Submit a Presentation Proposal

Submit a Presentation Proposal

Mid-Continent Regional Science Association – 55th Annual Conference

Please join us for the The 55th Annual MCRSA Conference and the 17th IMPLAN National Users Conference is scheduled for June 4-6, 2025, at The Bloch School at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. An IMPLAN training session is scheduled for June 2-4 prior to the conference. The program committee welcomes papers on a wide range of topics relating to applied economics, economic development, planning, geography, business, public administration, sociology, and political science.

Regional ModelingBenefit-cost Analysis
Rural DevelopmentEducation Finance
Regional TradeGrowth Management
Location of Economic ActivityInvestment Theory
LaborStructure of Government
HousingEducation and Training Issues
Public Sector IssuesRegional and Urban Planning
TransportationComparative Country Studies
Tourism and RecreationLocal and Regional Development
Natural ResourcesTaxation and Government Finance
Economic Growth & ChangeRegional Indicators and
Environmental QualityInput/Output Theory and
Impact AnalysisZoning and Land Use Controls
MigrationBusiness Cycles
Industry AnalysisInnovation and Entrepreneurship