Submit a Presentation Proposal
Mid-Continent Regional Science Association – 55th Annual Conference
17th IMPLAN National Users Conference
June 4-6, 2025
The Bloch School at the University of Missouri at Kansas City.
The deadline for submission is March 31, 2025.
Call for Papers
Please join us for the The 55th Annual MCRSA Conference and the 17th IMPLAN National Users Conference is scheduled for June 4-6, 2025, at The Bloch School at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. An IMPLAN training session is scheduled for June 2-4 prior to the conference. The program committee welcomes papers on a wide range of topics relating to applied economics, economic development, planning, geography, business, public administration, sociology, and political science.
Presentation Proposals: Participants are encouraged to organize a session in an area of interest. Those authors wishing to present a paper should submit an abstract online.
Organized sessions and papers are invited in any topic pertaining to urban areas and regions including:
Regional Modeling | Benefit-cost Analysis |
Rural Development | Education Finance |
Regional Trade | Growth Management |
Location of Economic Activity | Investment Theory |
Labor | Structure of Government |
Housing | Education and Training Issues |
Public Sector Issues | Regional and Urban Planning |
Transportation | Comparative Country Studies |
Tourism and Recreation | Local and Regional Development |
Natural Resources | Taxation and Government Finance |
Economic Growth & Change | Regional Indicators and Forecasting |
Environmental Quality | Input/Output Theory and Applications |
Impact Analysis | Zoning and Land Use Controls |
Migration | Business Cycles |
Industry Analysis | Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
Conference Registration: There are two ways to register for the MCRSA/IMPLAN conference. You can download a registration form and pay by check, or you can pay electronically. Links to both are found on the MCRSA Conference Registration page.
For more information about paper submission, MCRSA membership, conference registration, or local arrangements contact:
Jason Jolley – Executive Director, MCRSA
Phone: (740) 593-9797; Email: [email protected]