2014 Conference Presentations

2014 Conference Presentations

The Mid-Continent Regional Science Association is pleased to offer Presentations from our recent conferences. The manuscripts contained in the Proceedings and the presentations are the voluntary contributions of conference participants. In addition to posting the manuscripts on the MCRSA Website, all are entered into multiple research exchange networks to enable Internet search engines to easily find them.


The Economic Impact of a proposed Residential Housing Development on a County Economy
Derek Bjonback
(see the companion Proceedings Manuscript)

Economic Impacts of the U.S. EB-5 Immigration Program (2010-2012)
David Kay

Economics of obesity, energy intakes, and physical activity among adults in Appalachia
Janaranjana Herath, David Hill and Cheryl Brown

Combining Economic Impact and Business Retention and Expansion:  The Aerospace Example
Brigid Tuck

Northern Grapes Project: Baseline and Economic Impact Study
Brigid Tuck